Home International Maritime SEAFARERS’ DAY: IMO Unveils Theme To Mark 2023 Celebration With Hashtag OceansWorthProtecting...

SEAFARERS’ DAY: IMO Unveils Theme To Mark 2023 Celebration With Hashtag OceansWorthProtecting “.

As part of efforts to mark the 2023 World Seafarers Day , the International Maritime Organization ( IMO) has officially released the theme of the year.

In exactly 22 days to the event worldwide, IMO said the theme would be focusing on “Seafarers’ Contribution To Protecting The Marine Environment.

Secretary General of IMO, Kitack Lim stated that” In 25 days, it’s Day of the Seafarer, make sure to take part in highlighting seafarer’s contribution to protecting the marine environment.

Lim called on seafarers worldwide to share pictures of their marine environment using the hashtag #OceansWorthProtecting .

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With the #OceansWorthProtecting the scribe said”All details on how to join and how to access our logos and other material, visit us here : https://tinyurl.com/mrxekd4a”.

He added that’ To all Seafarers’ we are asking you to share  a picture of the marine environment using the hashtag : OceansWorthProtecting “.

“For 2023, the campaign will look at seafarers’ contribution to protecting the marine environment, in line with the World Maritime theme “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”.

“Seafarers spend a great deal of time at sea and are a big part of the solution when it comes to protecting the marine environment.

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“As part of the campaign, we will be asking seafarers to share a picture of the marine environment surrounding them while at sea, highlighting that the marine environment is worth protecting.  “