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INTERVIEW: “There Are Some Terminal Operators That Their Licences Need To Be Revoked “. …… Alabi

President , Advocacy for Maritime  Development Association of Nigeria (AMDAN), Mr. Segun Alabi spoke with journalists under the aegis of Association of Maritime Journalists of Nigeria (AMJON) on Thursday in Lagos, where he spoke about the sector . Alabi talked about customs VIN valuation, ANLCA crisis , ETO call up system and other shipping sundry issues. Roland Ekama was on ground for DAILY FOCUS NIGERIA.





What are the achievements recorded so far?

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Our structure is very different from the conventional association even though there are some similarities. We ensure that members interest are protected and a cohesion among ourselves. When I assumed office, my focus was to publicise advocacy, as at then we were only known within the ports – Tin Can Island where most of us operate.Beyond the ports we want to be known everywhere by synchronizing with the authority and stakeholders. Before now people don’t know advocacy until 2019. Today government agencies know our association and they are giving us the support.


My group is in support of VIN Valuation because it simplifies our work and reduce corruption and extortion”



Issues of Eto ?

Eto is a project of collective efforts and not NPA. As a truck owner, as at today, the Eto system is working. In 2018-2019, accessing the port, in terms of what we experience, it is impossible, but with Eto it is possible. No system is perfect but it is work in progress.Today, because of Eto, the price of trucking few years ago, transporting container from Apapa to Ikeja, you pay as much as N600, 000 to N700, 000, but as at today, taking a 40ft container is N250, 000.The price of trucking has come down. Eto has succeeded, all we need to do is to give it perfection.



Truckers asking for unbundling of ETO?

When you have a project you are prosecuting, the success of it might not come to fruition at once, there might be complains. Just like when ETO started, there were complains that those incharge of it – there were manipulations and other issues, then perfection came in. ETO is sophisticated. If any truck accesses the port, ETO sends the owners an SMS. We must admit that it is working and it can get better.




Customs challenges PAAR, VREG etc?

When a project is started anywhere in the world you face hiccups. There is no project you don’t face challenges, especially where individuals or group of people have interest on how the project will affect it. Some people will not want it to work while some will want it to work.My group is in support of VIN Valuation because it simplifies our work and reduce corruption and extortion. It has started.Let all the value be on the system to enable the importer view it. We are always in a haste to enjoy a new project, but it is a gradual process, we need to be patient to make a headway.In the past weeks it has been difficult especially for those that still brings in underage vehicle, which the VIN does not recognise.For example, if you bring in 2008 vehicle and in the VIN, the minimum age starts from 2013. You are going to pay 2013 duty for 2008 vehicle.That is the problem we are still having because there is no place for 2008 vehicles on the VIN platform, hence they still need to get a manual valuation, which is not good.Like I said, five project would be perfected and it is going to favour all of us and as time goes on we will reap the benefits.We have protested the jack up of PAAR. Initially they came in with e-invoice and we said they can’t do that. The international standard according to the WCO policy, basis for any computation of your… is cost and freight, and what they use is your invoice value. When you buy a product for $50, 000 and shipped to Nigeria and you accept the invoice and based on the invoice you issues me with a PAAR – they come to the port see this and check our valuation record because customs have their own valuation record, they are able to check and see if the importer’s valuation tally’s with their own record and if it tally’s, let the importer go. That has been the practice, but coming to say the amount the product was bought is none of their business, they will give their own price. That is wrong, there must be an harmony between the customs record and the invoice. That is the way it works internationally. We are against it and we are sychronizing with our bigger association, ANLCA and what they are doing at that level. We like what ANLCA is doing by going to the National Assembly to ensure certain things are corrected. Our position is that we won’t accept jacking up of the PAAR.If the customs have any issue with our own value, let us all look at it together.

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Segun Alabi , President of AMDAN


Your call to FG to ensure underage vehicle get the right duty?


We have submitted our position. Why the VIN Valuation and why is government discouraging older years vehicles. It is to give opportunity to local manufacturers, but have they started rolling out? At what cost have those who have started rolling out. We are saying government should give everybody a level playing ground. Let Nigerians choose. Only few Nigerians can afford 2019 vehicles.2010 car us still good..



Impoundment of trucks by customs ?


We operate under a convention, we have to look at the moral law of justice. If you hire a truck to take your container goods from the port to Ikeja, the truck’s business is just to deliver the goods, whether your declaration is wrong he wouldn’t know. The transporter is not supposed to be probed, if he paid the right duty because it is not in his office.If there is any eventuality that has to do with customs issues, I think the transporter needs to be absolved.

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NPA terminal operators concession?


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There are some terminal operators that their licences need to be revoked because of many issues. On many occasions we have had to write officially to the shippers’ council following the many complaints we have received from our members about the inadequacies of the terminal operators in terms of equipment. Some of them their tariffs are killing. Importers have chose Medlog bonded terminal because they deliver containers on time, their rates are very cheap, they have fantastic payment solution.

Multiplicity of checkpoints?

I used to think that it is only at the port they extort. Outside the ports they also extort. Official and non-official ticketing, police extortion, area boys – so extortion is all over the place and not only at the ports.We want extortion to end everywhere because it is giving us problem.

Segun Alabi, President, AMDAN


Association’s plan to absolve members from all works of the maritime industry?


Advocacy for Maritime originated from the freight forwarding profession, but that is not to say that in future we cannot absolve others. We are planning to do that. Our core objective is to promote our association because we are lesser known in the industry prior to this time.We are evolving and we are going to metamorphose. We are going to absolve others arm of the maritime industry, but for now, let us manage our freight forwarding sector.


Treatment of Shipping companies and terminal operators in the system and issue of turn around time?



Few months ago I met the head of the port task team, Mr Moses Fadipe with my team. There was an issue that has to do with a particular line. We all operate and go to the same shipping companies for services. We sent a mail requesting for an invoice from this particular line. Three the invoice, the third day we sent a reminder to them and they didn’t reply us. We went to the line to find out if they received the mail even though from our own end it is showing they received the mail. We found out the actually received the mail, it also surprised us of what they are doing there – if you don’t give them money, they will not act. We wrote a later to the port task team. They asked us to bring evidence of extortion and the series of mail send and we did that.

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We don’t know what the port task team did, but as I talk to you, we have seen a little change. When you send a mail to this same shipping line requesting for invoice, they reply you within 24 hours.

I used to think that it is only at the port they extort. Outside the ports they also extort.



Peace move in ANLCA?


There are issues in families. In ANLCA there are issues and I know the present acting president, Dr Kayode Farinto is doing all. I am even surprised at what he is doing, I have had conversations with him on that and I know in due time we are going to see a new ANLCA, there won’t be any factions.

Segun Alabi President AMDAN (m) with some members of AMJON shortly after the roundtable meeting .



Challenges encountered in your association?


One of the challenge is internal issues. Some of these issues going on at the ANLCA level is what is affecting our association. As much as possible I am trying to fuse everybody together not to look at what is happening at the bigger house because it has really affected us.



Harmonizing the warring factions, Especially Mojeed and Akintoye Peters?


They are my very strong members and I am their president. I have done a lot to harmonize them. Some of the individuals you have mentioned, they are my friends and colleagues. I have tried within my power and there are much bigger power than me that need to resolve this issue.

This issue involve the BoTs and NECOM. I happen to be one of the electoral commissioner, a secretary to the defunct circle. I returned Mr Tony Iju the current president together with Kayode Farinto as elected in Enugu. They are the national officers and we stand with them. because these are the individuals who won election who are to run their terms, but the other group said no they are in the west. They acknowledged Tony Iju as their president but still said they want to elect their own president here. These are part of the issues. There is no way there won’t be issues because we are people of diverse background, beliefs and intellectual ability, so the way we see and reason things differs.I am very optimistic that with what I see Dr Farinto doing now, it is a matter of time.


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