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Covid-19 : ITF Launches Map To Support Global Seafarers

The International Transport Workers Federation ITF has launched a map showing the effect of Covid-19 restrictions on countries and ports around the globe.

Based on data from the ITF’s network of around 140 inspectors and contact networks, the map will be a vital resource for the thousands of seafarers hit hard by the crisis.

Governments are imposing various restrictions on vessels and crew, and the map will allow users to find the latest information.

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The ITF inspectorate coordinator Steve Trowsdale said: “The world’s seafarers have been left in a uniquely vulnerable position by this crisis. They are miles from home with little access to useful or helpful information.

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“This map is just another way the ITF is using everything at its disposal to be there for every seafarer caught up in this situation.

“Any seafarer with serious problems should use the map to contact the nearest inspector or network coordinator, or our dedicated seafarers support team ”

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